Labels:text | screenshot | display | software | number | diagram | parallel | font OCR: TRAPS/MOASes SYSTEM Telemetry ¿Dati. TRAPS 1. capture. Radar TRAPS 2 TRAPS 3 Radar date Realtime data processing SAF - Spectral Analys's Facilit; Acquisition and Processing MOASes = Master. Outical MORSes: SUI (SatAlite Uplink interface) iccess Switches MCC - Mission Control Center Fiber MCC - Strip charty SÅFİ: SAF 2 MCC 2 Ethemet selvet? MCC Figure 1. Raw telemetry and radar data from aircraft tracking systems go through NASA'S TRAPS system for. processing and then move over fiber to MOASes, n central distribution system.